Friday, 20 December 2013

The 12 Films of Christmas: Batman Returns (1992)

By Thomas Broome-Jones

I love the fact that Batman has a Christmas film, primarily because I get to recommend it. This is definitely the darkest entry in the live-action Batman film franchise and is actually a pretty depressing film.

Neither of them are happy at the casting of Ben Affleck, it seems.
So why recommend it? Well, BECAUSE IT'S BATMAN! I'm a tad biased when it comes to The Caped Crusader and this is one of the better Batman films for me. Bruce Wayne locks up with The Penguin, played by Danny De Vito who is perfectly cast and was seriously overlooked in the awards department, it's hard to tell it even is dear old Danny as he's underneath so many prosthetics and so much make-up. Michelle Pfeiffer also portrays Selina Kyle, or Catwoman as she's better known and totally makes the role her own, it's a real shame the planned spin-off featuring her character never came to fruition.

This is a dark and sometimes pretty disturbing Batman film but still, it's Batman and it's set at Christmas, so watch it, enjoy it and admire what is one of my favourite Tim Burton and Batman films.

Thomas Broome-Jones is on Twitter, you can follow him @TBroomey.

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